Porpoise Hibernicus
Porpoise Hibernicus in the workshop, being looked over by Ben Walsh (benwalshdesign.com).
At the weekend two things reminded me of my ‘Porpoise Hibernicus’ sculpture.
Firstly, I was out at the islands collecting more rubbish (where we have now reached a total of 17,000 pieces), and way back in 2017, when I started this collection I found an almost complete skeleton of a porpoise at the back of Shenick Island. When I realised I was missing some vertebrae from the skeleton, I went out the following weekend and miraculously, I found the three missing pieces. This amazing find led me to work on what would become Porpoise Hibernicus.
The second reminder was from March 18th 2018, when it was the same Ireland vs England rugby fixture as the weekend, but I was exhibiting at ‘Light and Building’, Frankfurt. After a enduring a gruelling trip of snow and ice to get to Frankfurt I displayed my Porpoise Hibernicus, which contains a halo of LED light and a white blob shape surrounding the piece.
This piece also made it to Galway for Design Island show at the Niland gallery.
In short the level to which the sea has influenced my work, is extensive, be it Ruray, Sea Clocks or Soles of the Sea, it has given me a lot of material for thought, sculptures and inspiration.
It is a piece that we have held in our collection and is available for sale or exhibition on enquiry.